Monday, June 22, 2009

Ring My Bell: Telephone Etiquette

Call Waiting

It is one of my greatest telephone pet peeves when the person you are calling answers their phone with "Hey can I call you right back?"
I can't think of anything more frustrating than being cut off before having the chance to speak. This, my friends is why voicemail was invented. Let the caller leave a message and return their call when you do have time to talk (within one day, please).

Here is what Kate Spade has to say on the subject:
"Unless you are expecting a call, let the second call go into voicemail. If however, you decide to answer a call, it should be done only to inform Caller #2 that you will return the call. If you are in the middle of a serious conversation, don't pick up call waiting." Manners 2004

I would suggest taking this one step further, unless you are waiting on news (from family, pending emergency, babysitter, etc), don't put your current caller on hold to pick up the second call. Caller ID allows you to see who is calling, which enables you to screen whether the second call is important.

It should also be mentioned that this can be applied if you are in an inconvenient location to speak on your mobile (noisy places, at risk to lose signal, etc). I let the call go in to voicemail and quickly send a text explaining the situation and that I will call them as soon as I can. This relays the message without cutting them off mid sentence.

If you feel the all calls must be answered, try to remember that your caller has no idea you have someone else on the line or cannot talk at length at the moment. Allow them to greet you, communicate why they are calling and when there is an appropriate pause for your response, explain that this isn't the best time to talk and you will call them back.

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