Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Busy Signals

In the past few years, I've noticed a growing bad habit among my generation (myself included) of allowing our smart phones to be a crux for passing the time. We hardly know how to sit still and just BE anymore. What's worse, is this bad little habit is beginning to seep its way into our time spent with actual people. I've been to many a dinner, party, date, and friendly gathering where the company I'm keeping is interacting less with the actual live people in front of them, and more with those through their phones.

Imagine my excitement when I found this! It's more than a friendly gesture printed on a handkerchief (which in itself would have been very darling). This "phonekerchief" actually blocks the cell phone signal from your phone while it's wrapped up, allowing you to give your counter part your complete and undivided attention.

The manufacturer recommends this for a sweet Valentine's Day gift. I couldn't agree more! What is more romantic than having a genuinely good and uninterrupted conversation with the one you love?

1 comment:

jessithompson said...

Love, love, love this! When my hubby and I go on dates, they are "no phone" times. We turn notifications off and only leave on hubby's phone (ringer only) for the babysitter in case of emergency.

This rule has definitely improved the quality of our time together. I could not agree more that this is becoming a BIG issue.