Dating is a terribly broad term these days. Unlike the expedited courtship of the past, "dating" can refer to anything from a first date to a long term relationship. To respect the uniqueness that exists within a couple (after all, who am I to judge whether or not sweats are appropriate for the weekly Friday night date night?) I want to focus mainly on the etiquette that should exist during the first few dates. This is the time where a first impression, polished appearance, and good manners are truly the most important.
General rules for both parties:
- Be punctual. It's disrespectful to keep anyone waiting, especially when you are first getting to know a them. Acknowledge the importance of the date by being ready on time.
- Put your phones away. Leave them off the table, heck, leave them at home!
- Have a cocktail or two, but don't get smashed. It may be tempting to calm your nerves with adult beverages, but getting drunk will only lead to a slimmer chance of a second date.
- Watch your mouth. Swearing like a sailor might work for you, but save your crasser forms of expression for a later stage of the relationship. It just isn’t a turn-on. At all.
- Spend more than five minutes prepping for the date. Shave, deodorize, iron, and suit up (metaphorically speaking)
- Be chivalrous. Open her doors, pull out her chair, pay for the meal. Acting like a gentleman is sexy.
- If it feels appropriate at the end of the night, make your move and go for the kiss. Being timid and unsure of yourself is a major turnoff.
- Don't wait three days to call. If you like the girl, call (don't text) her the next day. Games are for school teams.
- Don't over do your appearance. It's fine to look sexy, but be careful not to show too much.
- Eat a normal meal. You won't be fooling anyone by ordering a salad and later binging on an entire pizza after the date has ended. Guys like a girl with an appetite. Enjoy the restaurant's culinary fair and consider sharing dessert!
- Don't talk about your cat. It's tempting, I know. After all, Whiskers does the cutest thing when she's in a playful mood. However, I promise he isn't interested. Instead, focus on topics that are mutually interesting to both parties.
- After the date has ended, be a modern female, don't be afraid to call him the next day or suggest another date.
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